Veleposlanik Velike Britanije pohvalio Klub Hello
6. kolovoza 2015.
„Molimo onda da dođe vrijeme, (kao što doći mora) Da razum i vrijednost na cijelom svijetu zavladaju Doći će vrijeme da svi ljudi postanu braća!“
Tako je sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća govorio i pisao najveći škotski pjesnik Robert Burns. Pjesnik – orač, kako su ga suvremenici zvali, proslavio se pjesmama koje su na narodnom škotskom jeziku veličale osnovne ljudske vrijednosti: prijateljstvo, ljubav, opčinjenost ljepotom domaćeg krajolika i skromnog ljudskog života na selu. Iskrenost i toplina stihova mladog Burnsa oduševili su njegove suvremenike, a romantični zanos domovinom nadahnuo škotske iseljenike širom svijeta, koji već više od sto godina slave pjesnikov rođendan 25. siječnja.
Svečanost, poznata kao Burnsova večer, obilježava se govorenjem i pjevanjem Burnsovih pjesama, zdravicom lijepim škotskim djevojkama te tradicionalnim plesom. Ovu tradiciju u našem gradu već godinama održava i Hello English Language Club, u kojemu djeca i mladi polaznici osim engleskog jezika aktivno upoznaju posebnosti kulture zemalja engleskog govornog područja. Upravo za tu aktivnost pohvaljeni su i od strane veleposlanika Ujedinjenog kraljevstva Njegove Ekselencije Davida Blunta s kojim će se sastati sljedećeg tjedna u Zagrebu.
„Then let us pray that come it may, (As come it will for a' that,) That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth, Shall bear the gree, an' a' that. For a' that, an' a' that, It's coming yet for a' that, That Man to Man, the world o'er, Shall brothers be for a' that.“ Robert Burns (1759-1796)
These immortal verses, written by 18th century Scottish poet Robert Burns have for centuries kept him famous all over the world. Plowman –poet, as his contemporary critics chose to call the young Bard, based his poetry on beloved Scottish folk songs and, writing in the language understood by common people, expressed in simple words the most intricate feelings and emotions of the human heart. Through simple images, very often taken from the beautiful, yet unforgiving Scottish natural landscape and hard life of rural labourers, Burns spoke of human destiny with such understnading and emotion that his first small collection of poems made him a national hero and most beloved Scottish writer for centuries.
Poems of love of women, national feelings and brotherhood of men soon became folk songs, appreciated by Scots all over the world to this day. Burns Night, a formal celebration of the poet’s birthday, 25 January, has been observed throughout the world by Scots and their descendants, scolars and lovers of poetry. For the eighth time, Burns Night was also included in our annual calendar of events at the HELLO ELC.
The Supper was replaced by a simple meal of tea and biscuits, but all other ingredients were still there: from poetry recital, toast to the Lassies, Reply to Lads, Selkirk Grace to the traditional dances. Tartan sashes were once again worn by all students, from the samllest to the eldest, while the bagpipe version of Auld Lang Syne was the first time our youngest pupils could listen to this wonderful musical instrument.
Traditionally, HELLO ELC observes most important dates in the history and culture of English –speaking countries. For this, we have been especially commended by His Excellency Mr David Blunt, British Ambassador in the Republic of Croatia. At the ceremony of awarding Gold Partners certificate in The British Council, His Excellency accepted the invitation to visit our club at one of such occasions.